Natural rubber was discovered when..

Natural rubber was discovered when Columbus Natural rubber was discovered when Columbus visited Haitai in 1495-1496. 1876 seeds germinated by Sir Hendry Wickham at Kew Gardens were sent to Sri Lanka. The process of latex for manufacturing was first invented by the Dunlop Rubber in 1926 using SSE (Sodium Silicofluoncle) process.

Suyamas factory situated admits lush rubber plantations and It is the onty factory in Sri Lanka which encompasses latex centrifuging and latex foam manufacturing together. Hence we guarantee the use of fresh latex well preserved for use of manufacturing latex foam. Sri Lanka whilst being a pioneer in rubber cultivation is proud indeed to be the first country to celebrate 100 years of research and development on natural rubber. This is a truly remarkable achievement. Today 95% of the total global rubber is accounted by Asian countries. Rubber cultivation helps in absorption of harmful atmospheric carbon dioxide gas and promotes worlds much needed ‘Eco-Green Concept’ qualifying for car on credits.

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